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Phantasm Ford Pop


Where it all began…Frank & Mick Bennett were spectating at another drag race at Santa Pod when walking the pits they saw a for sale sign on a Ford Pop named Mean Streak.


A deal was done there and then and we’d bought our first race car. We took the car home and set to work giving it a quick overhaul and then first event out we won the event! Great feeling.


The car originally ran a 350 cubic inch small block Chevy and we ran this for a few seasons until we down sized to a 302 cubic inch small block Chevy screamer, this gave us a better weight break advantage and enabled us to continue winning for years.


In 1985/6 we spent the whole winter working on the pop and gave the car a 4-inch roof chop and also a 4-inch complete body chop and channel, the outcome was extremely low and more stable. We sold the car in 1987 to import a NHRA Top alcohol funny car from the USA.


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